The current rate is £7.50 per hour per child
Fees are payable weekly, monthly or termly in advance by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
Please note that fees remain due even if a child is absent without notice. In cases of prolonged absence, parents should consult with the Management Committee. Each child’s attendance at the Pre-School is conditional upon continued payment of the relevant fees.
All children can attend free of charge for up to 15 hours per week from the term after their third birthday, due to the funding from the government (Early Years Entitlement) or 30 Hours if certain criteria is met. You also have the option to split your 15/30 hours free entitlement with other childcare providers (maximum of 2).
Some 2 year olds are also entitled to 15 hours free early education and childcare. Please ask for more details.
From 5th June 2023 we are introducing a Late Collection Fee. If you haven’t arrived 10 minutes after your child’s finish time you will incur a late collection fee of £5. On the second occasion, there will be a £10 late collection fee. On the third occasion, there will be a £25 late collection fee (and on any subsequent occasions). We don’t want our children to be distressed by late pickups and hope that this will act as a deterrent.